Sunday, March 13, 2011

In this Moment

I have been thinking about this blog a lot lately. Every time I log onto my lovely friends blog and see that she was sweet enough to link my mess of a blog onto hers (she is brave)! So I decided to change it up. I was sick of the title, sick of the backgrounds and ready for change.
In this moment means many things to me. First it is the title to the song I danced the first dance with my wonderful husband at our wedding. It reminds me of that special day and how it felt to commit myself to someone else forever. Secondly I am striving to learn to live in the moment. To love my family and cherish the moments we get everyday, and finally this title gives you an idea of what you can expect. Whatever I'm feeling in the moment I can write about. Cause I know your just itching to hear!!! No matter if I feel like writing something silly or sad. About crafts or kids.
In this moment I'm sitting with my sweet baby girl sleeping in my arms. In this moment I love three people more than anything in the world. In this moment I should be cleaning toilets so I better get to it!


  1. That little girl is so cute no one could blame you for your poop stained toilets. I probably should have cleaned them for you anyway since Philip left his mark the last time we were over.

  2. Yay! I'm all for changing things up. Glad to see you moved to the top of my list. I was going to TP your house, but didn't know if that would really encourage blogging.

